Day 1: Come and Find Rest
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light—Matthew 11:28-30
Come Before Him in Worship:
As we enter this 21-day prayer journey, kneel before Jesus (if you are able) in a posture of worship and submission. Praise him that His heart toward you is gentle and lowly and that he desires for you to find rest in him. Offer your whole heart to him for this journey! Trust him to awaken any piece of it that has fallen asleep. Take time to allow him to speak into this praise and surrender.
Maybe you remember the day that you accepted the invitation of Jesus to come to him for salvation. You understood that you came as you were, with all your cares and burdens and he gently took you to himself. Take a moment to remember that wonderful feeling of freedom! This is still Jesus’ call to us today as his children. He tells us to come and exchange our heavy burdens for the light and easy yoke that he wants to carry for us. Jesus came for us because he loves us and knew we needed Him. That hasn’t changed! We are entirely dependent upon him for this divine life within us. It is only as we come to him daily to receive the needed provisions of this divine life, the manna for today, that he joyfully meets us in our need, quiets our souls, and makes us strong!
Prayer Response: (This should be directed to God in the form of a prayer)
Have you inadvertently started to carry your own burdens? What burden do you need to give Jesus for Him to carry? Your reputation? Your success or finances? Your children or marriage? The state of our world? Your sin or addiction? Is there a struggle in your soul to believe that you can release your burdens to Him?
Gracious Lord, when I came to you, I was so grateful to hand you my life! Thank you that you came to save me!
Now Lord, I confess…
Thank you for your promise of rest….