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Love South Florida is something we participate in every year in the month of November!
During this time, we partner up with churches all over South Florida and provide opportunities to practically serve our community. As followers of Jesus, we are called to live our life on mission, and we believe the work we do during Love South Florida is a beautiful reflection of that.

Check out the serving opportunities below- we'd love to have you join us!


West Pines Campus

A Place in Time & Christ the Rock


November 1st-19th

A Place in Time Ministries distributes food to local families in need. This year we will be partnering with A Place in Time to distribute Thanksgiving food baskets.

At this event, families will be able to receive a basket filled with food and needed items provided by you! You can serve by donating items, helping sort items into baskets, or distributing these items to families.

Food Drop-off: November 1st-15th, in the church’s main lobby on Sundays or in our offices Monday - Friday from 9 am - 4 pm

Food Packing: November 17th, 5-8 PM, at a Place in Time Ministries

Thanksgiving Basket Distribution: November 19th, 8:30-1:30 PM, at a Place in Time Ministries

Thanksgiving baskets-shopping list.

Learn more about A Place in Time


Cooper City Campus

Cooper City High School: Harvest Drive

November 6 and 13th, during Sunday service

Cooper City High School is our second campus here at City Rev. We will be partnering up with them for a Harvest Drive. Cooper City Campus is going to provide a happy and healthy thanksgiving to food-insecure families in Broward County Schools.

Volunteers will be needed to help donate food. Below is the shopping list!

Harvest Drive Shopping List


Both Campuses

4Kids of South Florida: Gift of Hope Toy Drive

Joshuas Heart

Accepting donations at both campuses from November 15th - December 1st

The holiday season presents a special opportunity to remind kids in crisis that they are not forgotten. This year we will join 4Kids as we collect unwrapped toys and gift cards to ensure each child, teen, and young adult in their care has a present to open on Christmas Day!

Days & Ways to Serve:

Set Up: December 5th, 1 - 4 pm at 4Kids

Distribution: December 12th & 14th, 3 pm- 7 pm at 4Kids

Toy Drive Shopping List