
student CAMP


July 13-16, 2022

This day camp experience is for students who completed the 6th grade in 2022 up to 12th-grade students that just graduated in 2022.


Restart is a 4-day camp experience for middle and high school students. Each day will be packed full of opportunities that are designed to connect students with God and one another, all the while fitting in as much fun as is humanly possible in the process. Restart is a day camp where students are to be dropped off in the morning and picked up later that night. 


It’s been a hard season for young people. A global pandemic, increased isolation, and radical changes to life have left many students waiting for life to resume and “get back to normal.” We know that our world has changed and that God has called this generation to this unique moment. We want to explore what direction the Bible can give us about standing in this place and living for Him in this time.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” - Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

The world has changed and God is doing a new thing. God will bring refreshment and new life in this desert. We believe that God will use this generation to do it and it will
start now!


Super-Duper Early Bird $180 (till May 2nd) 

Early Bird $200 (till June 1st)

Regular $220 (deadline July 1st) 


Tribe Leader Meeting - Sunday, June 26th at 1 pm | West Pines Campus in the multipurpose room

Parent Meeting - Sunday, July 10th at 1:30 pm | West Pines Campus in the multipurpose room


What does the schedule look like?

The schedule is currently being finalized and will be sent out to all who register for Restart in the coming weeks. For now, here is a basic schedule with general times. Note, these are subject to change:

  • Wednesday: 6PM - 9:30PM

  • Thursday: 8AM - 9:30PM

  • Friday: 8AM - 9:30PM

  • Saturday: 9AM - 3PM; (Break for dinner and showers at home) then 7PM - 8:30PM

  • Sunday: We invite students and parents to participate on Sunday for our camp celebration at any one of our Sunday services.

What grade do you have to be in to participate in Restart?

Restart is open to current middle and high-school students. The camp is located in Pembroke Pines, FL. Students from Broward, Miami-Dade, and beyond are all invited to attend. Middle school students must be entering 7th or 8th grade; high school students must be entering 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, or have graduated in 2022.

Do I have to be a Christian to participate in Restart?

No. We invite any middle or high school student to come and join us, no matter what you believe. We are passionate about following the example of Jesus who was famous for welcoming and loving people no matter what they believed. We’ve experienced the life-changing truth of Jesus and would simply invite you to come and see for yourself. Then you can decide for yourself what to believe.

What does the cost include?

Includes Thursday & Friday lunch and dinner

  • Saturday lunch

  • Bus transportation during the day

  • Camp shirt

  • Speaker costs

  • Print materials

  • Game and competition supplies

  • Saturday event costs

Is this a sleepaway camp?

No. This is a day-camp where students must be dropped off and picked up at the allotted times.

What should I wear to Restart?

Wear appropriate and comfortable clothes that you wouldn’t mind being outside for some time. A portion of our time will be spent outdoors so plan accordingly. 

  • If a student is wearing clothing that is distracting, offensive, or deemed inappropriate by one of our leaders, we will have some clean t-shirts and shorts of different sizes available and will ask the students to change if necessary. The best way to avoid this is to just wear comfortable clothing that covers you well :)

What should I bring with me to Restart?

Each day plan on bringing a Bible, a journal, a pen and a change of clothes, and some snacks. If you don’t have a Bible or journal, we’ll have one for you that we’d love to give you as our gift to you.

Can I request that another student be put in my group?

While we can’t guarantee to honor every request, we will do our best to honor group requests as best we can. Submit your group request by emailing us at

Can I receive volunteer service hours for participating in Restart?

Yes. Depending on how the rest of camp shapes up, you can earn up to 4 volunteer service hours for participating in Restart.

What if I can’t afford the registration fee for my child(ren)?

We never turn away a student for their inability to pay. Email us at and we’ll send you our sponsorship application link.